New Support Form

On 2010/06/27, in Events & News, by Administrator

It is our pleasure to announce launching of our new support request form on the following URL:

Support Team.


1 — Choose Your Battles

Just because you have purchased a great new scanning/capture/data entry automation application doesn’t mean that it makes sense to automate every type of document under the sun.


8 Reasons You

On 2010/06/22, in Knowledge Article, by Administrator

1 — Access to external documents



1 — Disregard for Adoption.

Most organizations are so focused on trying to get something in production, that they tend to disregard the simplicity and fluidity of user experience that is required to garner the appropriate adoption rates. Adoption is a two-dimensional problem. The first dimension is making sure that a critical mass of users is enabled to access and use the ECM system. The second dimension is that a critical mass of content be available through the system. If either of these conditions doesn



On 2010/06/21, in Knowledge Article, by Administrator

Chances are that the economic climate is taking a toll regardless of what industry you